Configuring Window Properties

This section of the config file handles the properties and behaivour of windows in the window manager. The content of this section ragnes from configuring the color of the window border to specifying the maximum count of windows inside a layout.

Window colors

The WINDOW_BG_COLOR speicifies the background ; buffer color of the windows. The WINDOW_BORDER_COLOR specifies the border color of inactive windows in the window manager. WINDOW_BORDER_COLOR_ACTIVE configures the border color of focused (hovered) windows. WINDOW_BORDER_COLOR_HARD_SELECTED specifies the border color of hard selected windows. Hard selected windows do not lose focus till they are not hardselected anymore. WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH specifies the width/size of the window border in pixels.

Window Properties & Default Layout

The WINDOW_MAX_COUNT_LAYOUT specifies the maximum number of windows that are inside of a layout (with master). WINDOW_MIN_SIZE_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL specifies the minimum width of a window in a layout. WINDOW_MIN_SIZE_LAYOUT_VERTICAL speicifies the minmum height of a window on the other hand. WINDOW_MAX_GAP defines the maximum gap in pixels between windows in layouts. WINDOW_START_GAP defines the initial gap in pixels between windows in layouts. WINDOW_TRANSPARENT_FRAME defines if a window should have a transparent frame window which enables applications/compositors to request transparent windows. WINDOW_SELECT_HOVERED defines if a window should be focused when the mouse is hovered over it. WINDOW_DEFAULT_LAYOUT specifies the initial windowing layout of the WM. Options are WINDOW_LAYOUT_TILED_MASTER, WINDOW_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_MASTER, WINDOW_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_STRIPES and WINDOW_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_STRIPES.

Window decoration

Section 1

The SHOW_DECORATION macro defines if decoration for windows should be enabled or not. The DECORATION_TITLEBAR_SIZE defines the height in pixels of the decorations titlebar. DECORATION_COLOR defines the color of the decorations titlebar. DECORATION_TITLE_COLOR defines the background color of the applications title in the decorations titlebar.

Section 2

The DECORATION_SHOW_CLOSE_ICON macro defines if the close button should be shown in the decorations titlebar. The DECORATION_CLOSE_ICON macro defines the text/icon that will be used as the close button in the decorations titlebar. DECORATION_CLOSE_ICON_COLOR defines the color of the close button in the titlebar. DECORATION_CLOSE_ICON_SIZE defines the width of the close button.

Section 3

The DECORATION_SHOW_MAXIMIZE_ICON macro defines if the maximize button should be shown in the decorations titlebar. The DECORATION_MAXIMIZE_ICON macro defines the text/icon that will be used as the maximize button in the decorations titlebar. DECORATION_CLOSE_MAXIMIZE_COLOR defines the color of the button button in the titlebar. DECORATION_MAXIMIZE_ICON_SIZE defines the width of the maximize button.

Section 4

The DECORATION_DESIGN_WIDTH defines the width of the designs that are used in the decoration. DECORATION_ICONS_LABEL_DESIGN specifies the design of the icons label in the titlebar. DECORATION_TITLE_LABEL_DESIGN specifies the design of the title label in the titlebar.